Tax Figures is more competitively priced with a transparent pricing structure.

Our website utilises Dropbox for document uploads and storage and a secure login to your account.

From the 6th of April until 5th April the following year.

31st January following the end of the personal tax year.

A P60 is the certificate you get at the end of the tax year if you are in PAYE employment or receiving a private pension. The P60 details who your employer or pension provider was, your gross income and the amount of tax you paid on that income.

A P45 is a certificate you receive when you leave your employment during the tax year or make a taxable pension drawdown. The P45 reflects who your employer or pension provider was, your gross income and the amount of tax you paid on that income.

Your UTR number is issued to you by HMRC when you register for self assessment. It is made up of 10 numbers and can be found on correspondence you have received from HMRC.

The marriage allowance came into effect from the 2015/16 tax year. It allows certain individuals who are married or in a civil partnership to transfer some of their personal allowance to their spouse or partner.

This is relevant in couples where one spouse either has insufficient income to use his or her personal allowance or income that is taxed at 0%.

Anyone eligible can transfer 10% of their allowance.

In the UK, anyone who is paid under the PAYE scheme will be issued a code by HMRC. HMRC issue this code to tell employers or pension providers how much tax needs to be deducted from an employee’s salary or pension.

Assuming you have accurately used the cost calculator and uploaded all the necessary documents, we will aim to have your tax return ready for your approval within 5 working days. This may vary during busier times.

Although the system is designed to be user friendly, we understand that sometimes some assistance is needed. There is a contact form on the site where enquiries can be sent. However, if you wish to discuss your tax return in detail then a consultation can be booked.

Yes you are still obligated to keep all receipts.

Records need to be kept for 7 years. When your tax return has been filed on Tax Figures, you will be sent a zip folder with all the uploaded documents and the filed tax return.

We can deal with multiple years of tax returns. In order to get a quote for this please use the contact form to make this enquiry.

If HMRC expects a tax return for any given year, how it is filed will depend on how long it dates back. For example, if it is within the last 3 years it can be submitted online. Anything prior would need to be submitted on a paper return (but it can still be generated through the Tax Figures system).

Tax Figures allows two different ways to have your identity verified. You can either upload two acceptable forms of ID through Dropbox or choose to verify your identity through Yoti. The completion of a tax return on your behalf is a regulated activity and we have to verify your identity before undertaking the tax return preparation work. The preferred two forms of ID will be a valid passport and driving licence, with the passport acting as photographic ID and the driving licence verifying your address. However, the regulations stipulate we need one photographic ID (passport or driving licence) to verify your face to your name and a separate document to verify your name to your address. This can be in the form of a bank, mortgage or credit card statement, insurance document, water bill, gas/electric bill or council tax notice.


If you are still unable to find the answer to your question then use our contact form on the below link and we will get back to you.